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T.E.C.H Mobile Project

This mobile classroom concept is a community outreach project where we establish I.T clinics to selected communities and offer training and capacity building.

T.E.C.H Centres

Because we understand that the rising demand for Information Technology professionals across businesses is creating new opportunities everyday, T.E.C.H for the World embarked on an effort to establish Technology centers in various communities.

"Let's Build A School"

Lwantama Primary/Secondary school serves hundreds of students from five surrounding communities. With the financial help of T.E.C.H. fundraising, administrators have successfully constructed classrooms for primary 1-6. The need is to now continue the construction until all of the secondary sections are completed.

"Let's Build A Lab"

A community effort led by American teenagers partnering with Ugandan teenagers to find funding to buy science materials and lab hardware required to adequately build up Ugandan science and computer labs and give them the tools to learn the core subjects of biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science.

"Let's Bring Solar To Schools"

Many secondary schools must pay for electricity to run their schools. This power consumption is not cheap. The sun provides an abundant and clean alternative power source for schools to power their computer labs, home econonmics labs, science labs, student housing, and other facilities. This project raises funds for the solar equipment and installation, partners with local suppliers to share their trade skills with students, and thus empower students to develop their own trade in the solar panel industry. It helps schools, it helps businesses, it helps individuals. It's a good thing!

© 2016 by Tech for the World

TFTW is a registered 501c charity organization

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